Eden Brae Homes is proud to hold ISO 9001 certification as verified by independent body, SAI Global.

ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). We use this standard to demonstrate our ability to consistently provide products and services that meet – and often exceed – customer and regulatory requirements.

Our customers benefit from Eden Brae’s ISO 9001 accreditation because it means we have a robust framework that ensures each client ultimately receives the home of their dreams. Our quality processes include:

  • Workflow releasing – We limit the number of projects we take on at any one time to ensure we never compromise on quality.
  • BuildSure – This is our commitment to you for a smooth and hassle-free build.
  • Customer satisfaction – We actively gather and analyse all feedback to make sure we’re on the right track and always improving our processes.
  • Tyrrell’s audits – We commission independent quality inspections on every home we build.
  • BuildWatch – 24/7 viewing access to your property actively helps discourage on-site vandalism and theft.
  • OnSiteInspect – Our intuitive maintenance app allows clients to record and send to their supervisor details of any items that need attention.

These are just some of the many processes which have been assessed and certified as being vital components of a sound QMS, and which give our customers confidence that they made the right decision to build with Eden Brae Homes.


Eden Brae Homes is proud to hold ISO 14001 certification as verified by independent body, SAI Global.

ISO 14001 is a standard which was developed to help organisations reduce their environmental impact. It provides a framework through which we can demonstrate our resolve to reduce any harmful effects on our surroundings. Keeping our environmental footprint to a minimum is a key step in helping repair our relationship with the biosphere and developing more sustainable approaches to living and development.

Eden Brae Homes was awarded this important certification in January 2018. It’s an ideal example of how we’re continually striving towards better practices and shows clearly our commitment to ensuring future generations will be able to enjoy the environment in years to come as much as we do today.

Eden Brae Homes is proud to hold ISO45001 certification as verified by independent body, SAI Global.

SO45001 is a standard used as the benchmark to assess the OHS systems an organisation has in place.

Eden Brae Homes’ top priority is for our customers, staff, and contractors to return safely home to their families each day, and we do all we can to guarantee they can do just that.

ISO45001 certification supports Eden Brae Homes in managing risk within its operations, including:

  • BuildWatch – Specially installed cameras give 24/7 viewing access to your property to actively help discourage on-site vandalism and theft.
  • BuildSafe – Our online portal gives contractors guidance on OHS compliance, supporting all aspects of health, safety, environment and quality (HSEQ) management.
  • Scaffold provisions – We employ strict management strategies to identify when scaffolding is required to mitigate the risks of working at height.
  • Supervisor trainer – Our supervisor trainer gives regular on-site toolbox talks and ensures our supervisors work to strict OHS standards. Working this way helps ensure a strong safety culture is maintained.
  • Framework training programme – This internal online system is used to keep track of all jobs. Easy to access, it means that anyone can check the progress of every build at any time.

These systems are great examples of Eden Brae Homes’ developments that help us achieve our OHS goal of a consistently safe and healthy workplace for all.